The beginning, what happened in the beginning of, well, everything in existence? Both Christian scientists and Atheist scientists agree, there had to be a beginning. Before that beginning was nothing, if that was not true and there was something before the beginning then that would disqualify it from being the true beginning. If the universe had no beginning then it would be eternal, which breaks the natural law of time and space therefore is supernatural and atheists cannot make such a claim because it would be a direct contradiction to their reasoning to be opposed to the existence of God. So therefore our Atheist friends have a dilemma. If naturally there had to be a beginning, what initiated that beginning? If there was nothing, what caused that nothing to become something if there was nothing to cause that something? Richard Dawkins cannot answer this, Bill Nye the science guy says its a "great mystery" and I agree with them. If we refuse to acknowledge the existence of God then the universe cannot exist. The universe had to have a supernatural beginning period.
This is the reason why Christians have the most logical explanation of origins, its because we have the written account by the one who made everything. Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth". So yes there was a beginning, and God was that something that caused nothing to become everything. God in 6 literal days about 6000 years ago created everything and breathed life into his most wonderful creation, us. But then Atheists chime in the classic "who created God"? The answer is quite simple and I will go into more depth in a future article but basically, the creator is not bound by the rules he specifically made for the creation. For example God created humans with the need to eat and drink for survival, does that mean God needs to drink and eat for survival? Absolutely not, that would be idiotic to believe. But Atheists do just that when they suggest that someone had to create God. Just because we humans have a creator, doesn't mean God had to have a creator. God created humans with a beginning and an end, just like all of his creation, we are bound by time. We are born then we die. God isn't bound by his own rule of time that he created for us. If the Atheists then responds "well that's not logical that God could exist eternally, and have no beginning or end". Well Mr. Atheist that's exactly right. God created logic therefore he is not bound by it, God is supernatural therefore he is not bound by nature, the rules that apply to us do not apply to God.
So there you go folks. Atheists ascribe to a belief system that will forever be unable to answer the question "what happened in the beginning?". That is the moment when us Christians stand tall and proclaim the Word of God. For we have the truth and we must ensure others have it to.