Every year as Christmas rolls around, liberals begin their "Happy Holidays" lingo to further entrench their political correct definition of tolerance into our lives. There are numerous religious holidays in America celebrated by people of all faiths, yet when those holidays occur such as Ramadan, Diwali, or Vesak you don't hear "happy holidays" forced on them. Christmas is the ONLY holiday which liberals try to rename and take significance from. This is what we Christians like to call the war on Christmas. But I suggest we no longer be the victims in this war, let us be bold and courageous as we take arms and engage in the war FOR Christmas!
Our battle strategy will be simple and effective. We shall demand equal treatment from our liberal counterparts. Either all holidays are now simply known as "Happy Holidays" or we, just like Muslims, Hindu's, and Buddhists, can celebrate our religious holidays with passion and boldness, no longer suppressed by political correctness. I am not advocating the removal of distinct holidays to lump in the term "Happy Holidays" I am merely exposing the logic of equal treatment if left under the idea of politically correct tolerance. Therefore I encourage all Christians to embrace our second option and that is to boldly proclaim MERRY CHRISTMAS in our homes, churches, and cities!
Let's be loud and clear as we proclaim our saviour's birth and support those in the public square who are willing to do the same! Whether its businesses such as Hobby Lobby and Chic Fil A, or public leaders in office, let us stand with them in openly celebrating one of the greatest events in human history.
As Christians, we are the body of Christ. Let's not be afraid to celebrate Christ's birth.