Persecution and tolerance are the exact opposites of each other. Tolerance was invented to prevent or end persecution. Yet ironically, the liberal movement in America clings to the idea of "tolerance" but as they come into power and enact their so called "tolerant" laws we see a rise in Christian persecution. Truly tolerant laws do not increase persecution, but decrease it. Therefore we can gauge how tolerant a policy or person is based off of how much persecution the policy or person causes. As we see liberal judges, lawmakers, and leaders take hold of American government I can't help but notice these champions of "tolerance" have brought forth an unprecedented rise in Christian persecution.
Let's take a closer look at just a few of the numerous examples of Christians being persecuted for their first amendment right to freedom of religion. Throughout the country Christian business owners have been systematically forced to give up their religious liberty to make room for the radical (and sinful) homosexual activist agenda. No longer is homosexuality simply an act in the bedroom, it is now an artificially created right that follows them into the workplace, military, and wedding ceremonies in which everyone else has to conform to their lifestyle preference no matter the convictions or faith driven beliefs that might object. Compromise is not an option. Roughly half the country voted through state referendums or state legislatures to define marriage as one man and one woman, yet rogue liberal judges have overstepped the people, state constitutions, and democracy to put homosexuality on a pedestal and brand it into our daily lives. Christian bakers and photographers have been bullied into complying with these rulings. In fact, several Christian business owners have lost their businesses because they exercised their first amendment rights to freedom of religion! A pro football player who expressed distaste for watching two gay men kiss on national television was forced to not only apologize but to begin taking sensitivity training to cure his view of Biblical relationships. Is this tolerance? Did homosexuals lose their jobs when Christians were in power? Did homosexuals lose their first amendment rights while Christians were in power? Absolutely not! But we see Christians losing their rights and jobs when "tolerant" liberals are in power.
When water is applied to a fiery furnace the flames decrease. When tolerance is applied to a persecuted society we see the persecution decrease. Based off the clear assessment of the recent shift in cultural views and how liberal philosophy has grown in government, we see persecution on the rise! Simple logic dictates us to conclude that Liberals are not concerned about tolerance, but simple and brutal, Christian discrimination.
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