Psalms 11:3 "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?". This verse is the key in describing the struggle between Christianity and the religion of Atheism. As Ken Ham of Answers In Genesis Ministries has said on multiple occasion, atheists are attacking the foundations of our faith and we fail to respond adequately. We are responding merely defensively or not attacking atheists in the right spot, their foundations. I cannot help but notice that we are losing the culture war. Prayer has been kicked out of schools, abortion has taken the lives of over 50 million human beings, and homosexuality is not just tolerated but encouraged as an alternative lifestyle. All three of these anti-God characteristics are merely a result of the rejection of the authority of the Word of God. But what has caused the Bible to lose its authority? Why would any Christian doubt what God has revealed to us? It's quite simple, Atheists have successfully damaged the foundations of our faith.
Up to this point, Satan has lost the battle when it comes to stopping the gospel from being spread to the ends of the earth. Martin Luther, Dwight Moody, Billy Sunday, and Billy Graham have made sure of that. But Satan has changed his strategy, instead of resisting the spread of the gospel he is now tainting the spread of the gospel with a poison known as doubt. This poison is conceived in the womb of astrological and biological evolution. Society, being of the world, has tried to convince the populace that evolution is a scientific fact. But let me tell you with up most certainty there is not a shred of observable science that proves evolution. All evolution is, is an atheists biased interpretation of fossils. I will address the debunking of evolution in a future article so be on the look out for that! Lets bring it back now though, why is evolution causing millions to reject the authority of the Bible? Its because we, as Christians, have not addressed the issue head on, we have not adjusted strategies like the enemy. While atheists are shouting that the Genesis account of creation is unscientific, we are responding by saying Jesus loves you, and you must believe in him. Although it is the truth, why would we expect a non Christian to believe that Jesus can save them when we don't address their concerns that Genesis is not true? In their minds, if Genesis is not accurate or literal how can any other part of the Bible be different? Its a legitimate concern and now lets address how we can successfully restore authority to the word of God.
We must take a lesson from the atheists, and use their own methods against them. Just as it is true with Christianity, it is also true with atheism. That if we can successfully destroy their foundation then what can the atheists do? So that's why we MUST focus and address those who attack Genesis. First, we must ask questions. When a non believer mocks you for believing in creationism, start asking questions about their belief forcing them to defend their faith. How do you know evolution is true? What evidence can we observe that supports that the universe is billions of years old? What if your wrong and we are right? How does any of what you believe disprove the existence of a god? Those are the killer questions I have field tested myself and have found great success in it. Trust, me even the most scholarly atheist cannot answer all of those questions without contradicting himself, or saying something unscientific. But before you head to the front lines converting hundreds, I must encourage you to visit the website of Answers In Genesis to fully equip yourself with the tools necessary to defend your faith and creationism in general.
So its time to win our culture back and rebuild our foundation. Once we successfully restore the legitimacy of Genesis as a literal historical account of creation, we will restore the legitimacy of the existence of God. Then we can say Acts 16:31 "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved" and now that we have rooted out the weed of doubt, they will believe.
I will start with the 'simple logic' you are so familiar with:
ReplyDeleteSchools are for teaching unbiased morals and ethics. It has been generally proven that this is not part of any religion. All religions have their own 'interpretation' of morals and ethics and how a child should be raised on this. It is safe for a society to 'prohibit what conflicts on grander scale'. If a school should allow prayer for one religion, it would need to allow for prayer of all religion. It would have to teach all 'origine' or 'creation' stories and eventually have -10 minutes left for beta-classes (as to say).
Please point all your readers, to the exact phrases that claim the following:
1. Not praying is mentioned to be anti-god
2. abortion is mentioned to be anti-god
3. Homosexuality is mentioned to be anti-god
If you have been able to do so (oh, without the help of barbie Ken Ham), we can continue the conversation on what 'must be done'.
" First, we must ask questions. When a non believer mocks you for believing in creationism, start asking questions about their belief forcing them to defend their faith."
ReplyDeleteYou do know that the Catholic Church and the Anglican Church accept that Evolution is a fact and that the myth of Adam and Eve is a myth?
Why is it that you are denying science and established churches?
+Mark De Haan & +Angela Martin
ReplyDeleteYou have no logic, discernment, or wisdom. You have a reprobate mind since you are an enemy of God.
Schools are not teaching unbiased morals and ethics. There is no such thing as unbiased morals and ethics, therefore, there can be billions of opinions and situational ethics. The Judeo-Christian ethics and morals comes from God Himself that created you. This way all are accountable to GOD and not you or any other fallible sinful evil human.
There is only one science/knowledge of origins and only one God. All manmade religions i.e. pagan, or atheism/evolutionism/humanism etc. are not truthful or supported by evidence and science. Only God's worldview is correct and supported by evidence and real science.
The modern scientific method was established by Creationist Christian Scientist as was many of the scientific laws and principles.
Evolutionism is atheistic pseudoscience/LIES and cannot be studied and there's no science of it since it defies scientific laws and principles and never happened in history.
Regarding your brainless questions:
All action contrary to the will of God is anti-God i.e. God made humans fruitful i.e. able to reproduce to fill the Earth by the union of a single man and a single woman. This is God's pattern by Adam [a real human and first man] given Eve only [a real woman also made in God's image], and genetically since the child is the genetic recombination of the biological father and mother. Therefore, if you didn't have a reprobate mind, you would know from this simple act of creation by God that abortion and homosexuality is ANTI-GOD's WILL/DESIGN/PURPOSE.
+Mark De Haan & +Angela Martin
ReplyDeletePart 2
Homophobia is healthy. I'm old enough to know that when deadly disease hit the homosexual males of California, it was first called G.R.I.D.S., Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This disease was life style related i.e. aberrant sexuality which Biblically has a warning that disease is a consequence. Instead of quarantining these people and warning the public that it’s a sexually transmitted disease due to aberrant sex, it was instead relabelled to avoid the stigma. It's Epi-/Pan-demic now.
From Rom. 1:26-28 " with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." The statistics show that homosexual men die on average 20 years too early because of the disease/penalty in themselves for the error [lifestyle contrary to God's way [sin]]. Many have hundreds of partners and some are Bisexual, and others include pedophilia and intravenous drug use. Therefore, the disease spread to the heterosexual world rapidly. Is it WISE? NOT!
Wallowing in the garbage chute is unhealthy, rebellion of God's will and design. Therefore, " with men committing what is shameful [or a man with a woman, or animal etc], and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due." is the result. Furthermore, whether you believe or disbelieve in God, judgment day will come and the punishment will be banishment from God and His paradise to come and imprisonment in hell where there is eternal torment for the rebellious.
The Bible doesn't say that not praying is anti-god. Where do you get your wacky notions?
The priest Samuel felt compelled to pray.
1 Samuel 12:23
Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you; but I will teach you the good and the right way.
The born-again Christian is sealed by God's spirit and communes with God as between a loving Father and child.
Romans 8:26
Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
Jesus advised that Christian ought to pray always to escape the coming judgment when Jesus returns to establish the Kingdom of God for 1000 years.
Luke 21:36
Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
The foundation of Christianity is Christ not young Earth
ReplyDeletecreationism. By pushing young Earth creationism yecs are working
with the atheists to discredit Christianity. Young people get
taught young Earth creationism in church and then eventually
encounter the thinking in the rest of the world and come to
realize young Earth creationism is ridiculous and if young Earth
creationism is the foundation of Christianity then they naturally
give up on Christianity. It's a brilliant strategy by Satan: use
Christians to destroy Christianity.
No, Christ is the foundation of Christianity. It is what
Christ offers that brings people in. He offers them peace, hope,
joy, love and a BETTER LIFE now and the promise of an even better
life in the future. People who are empty or suffering here now want
the better life. THEY COULD NOT CARE LESS about the proper
interpretation of Genesis 1. The idea that people care about that
is another lie from Satan. Any any way, what's the bottom line of
Genesis 1? God made everything and everybody. The details of how
He did it are irrelevant. I cannot help but think that people who
push young Earth creationism either don't understand Christianity or
they aren't even Christians at all.
Now if you do want to discredit atheists there is plenty of good
scientific evidence against evolution BY CHANCE. (One big exception
is the Second Law of Thermodynamics argument.) Then naturally if
you discredit evolution by chance people will figure God must be
HE DID IT unless they are science minded people and very few people
are. For science minded people there are other interpretations of
Genesis that actually make sense. I am a science minded guy and
when I came to Christ I had no idea what to make of Genesis 1 and
for years I did not even care. When I did start looking at Genesis
1 I found the yec interpretation ridiculous. The old Earth
interpretation of Genesis 1 works out fairly well however I think
the blockworld interpretation is even better. This of course brings
up the yec position that only their interpretation of the Bible can
be valid, any other interpretation is supposed to totally discredit
the Bible. That's another nice piece of work by Satan.
Now overall your essay basically says: "We've been preaching young
Earth creationism all these years and the evolutionists are winning
so the solution is to preach young Earth creationism even harder."
Not a good plan if you ask me.