Sunday, January 12, 2014

Satisfaction is found only in God.

Sin is simply humans trying to find satisfaction outside of God. All of us no matter what race, gender, or culture seek satisfaction from this life. We look to find physical, emotional, and spiritual satisfaction. But can true satisfaction be attained by our own means? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

I maintain this conclusion with certainty based on the testimony of two people, myself and King Solomon. I, being 18 yrs old, have already tried to fill my needs with worldly things, whether it be lustful activities to satisfy the flesh, hanging out with the wrong crowd to satisfy the emotions, or seeking spiritual satisfaction through materialistic idols. But I can tell you that there was indeed temporary pleasure like a sugar high, but immediately followed by depression or an even stronger craving for satisfaction only to have the process repeat itself. Furthermore King Solomon experienced the same thing but he tested out everything, and I mean everything. In Ecclesiastes 1:1-2 Solomon (the author of this book) stated "Meaningless, meaningless, everything is utterly meaningless.". Let me remind you that King Solomon was offered everything he could possibly imagine from God as stated in First Kings 3. But Solomon turned down the riches of this world and asked for wisdom. Because of this, God granted him everything from riches and power, to land and victory in battle! In fact, God let Solomon build a magnificent temple in his honor to offer worship, something he did not let his father King David do. But Solomon, like most humans, eventually sought satisfaction in anything and everything other than God. Solomon had 2000 wives, all the money in the world, felt the joy of victory, and the power of expanding his borders, yet he stated that all of this is meaningless. He was never satisfied! 

You might be saying to yourself "my situation is different" or "In today's day and age this doesn't apply". Well let me respond by saying that humans have already tried every possible alternative to God when searching for satisfaction, but don't take my word for it, listen to the wisest man to ever live. In Ecclesiastes 1:9 Solomon said "What has been will be again, that which has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun". Listen closely to his words, whatever you are doing now to find that coveted satisfaction has already been done! People in the future will try it again and again to no avail. It is ludicrous to believe that doing the same thing over and over again will produce different results, but that is exactly what humans have been doing for centuries! But whats the point in identifying a problem if we don't also identify the solution. Want to find true eternal satisfaction? Here's how!

God. God created us, he made us, he knows us, and he wants a personal relationship with us! Human relationships have proven unreliable, material goods have an expiration date attached, but God is eternal and his love is reliable. That is why true satisfaction is only found in God! God will satisfy your physical needs Mathew 6:31-32. God satisfies our emotional needs through the fruits of the spirit Galatians 5:22-23. Finally God satisfies our spiritual needs by securing our eternal salvation in Christ Jesus John 3:16 and by promising to always be with us Joshua 1:9. So God promises in his word that all of our needs will be satisfied Philippians 4:19.

So I want to personally reach out to you and encourage you to stop wasting your life chasing vain worthless sin. Sin DOES NOT satisfy, Solomon knew this and I'm sure you do too since you are still searching for that satisfaction. God is the answer, you were created to be connected to him so don't waste another second! Acts 16:31 says that all who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ will be saved and therefore will be satisfied! 

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