Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Is Judas's death a contradiction?

One of the many supposed "contradictions" of the Bible championed by pride ridden atheists is the seemingly two radically different descriptions of Judas Iscariot's death. The verses we will be referring to today are Mathew 27:5 and Acts 1:18. Mathew 27:5 states "So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself." so clearly Mathew recorded Judas as committing suicide by hanging himself. But Acts 1:18 states "With the payment he received for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out." clear contradiction right? WRONG. Let's dive a bit under the surface of this story and we will find that this is not a matter of two different deaths but simply two different views of the same death.

Let's preface this explanation with a few occupational details. Mathew was a tax collector prior to following Christ while Luke (the author of Acts) was a doctor prior to following Christ. These occupations are of immense importance when trying to understand these two passages. Tax collectors back in Jesus's day often took larger quantities of money from individuals then what was mandated by the state so detail was of no matter. While being a doctor, same as modern day, required great importance being placed on every detail. After all, a procedure could mean life or death. So this explains why Mathew's description is rather general and right to the point, he simply wrote what he saw. Luke of the other hand immersed his passage in detail. For example Mathew said Judas threw his money into the temple, and Luke stated how that thrown money was used to purchase the field of Judas's death. Another more important example of Luke diving into detail is the medical implications of hanging  oneself. When Judas hung himself in this open field his body most likely hung there for hours on end, baking in the hot Jerusalem sun. Medically speaking, the body begins to decompose while hanging there and bacteria begins eating away at Judas's internal organs. A bi product of this bacterial decomposition is gas. This gas forced fluids out of the organs and cells in body cavities leading to a bloated corpse. The skin by now has been eaten away by the decomposition and is wearing thin thus leading to "his body bursting open and all his intestines spilling out".

Now that we have done a little extra research and studying, we find that a contradiction is a far cry from what these passages actually are. Two different people with radically different backgrounds explain the difference in describing the same death of one of the most infamous men in history.

(I attribute much of my knowledge of this issue to the ministry of Answers In Genesis, so please visit their website to learn more)

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