Sunday, January 26, 2014

Jesus is the Christ!

Many reject Jesus as the chosen one, some call him a prophet, others doubt his very existence. But a few call him the Christ. Christ is simply a term meaning the anointed or chosen one. In John 8 many of the Jews rejected him as the chosen one questioning the validity of his claims. Jesus responded by saying that his testimony of himself is true because God also testifies of him being the Christ. This is exemplified all throughout the Old Testament,and the New. in fact about 351 prophecies Jesus fulfilled to the smallest of detail.

The claims Jesus made either made him a madman or the true Son of God. I could go through all 351 examples of the Bible referring to the Christ but I want to spend this time to focus on one verse that I believe is the solidifying verse that proves Jesus to not just be the Christ but be God in human form. John 8:58. That is the verse that changed the world. "Jesus said unto them, verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am.". This statement is truly mind blowing. Jesus just claimed to have existed over 1500 years ago, and also described himself with 2 words that were only reserved to be a description of God himself; I am. Let's first discuss the age of Jesus. Jesus's physical body was only about 31 or so years old at this point, but who he actually is has existed forever. In fact in Genesis 1:26  God says concerning creating humans "Let US make mankind, in OUR image, and in OUR likeness." this shows God was not alone during this creation period. The trinity was present at this time and is as timeless as God the father. Jesus was present at creation, in fact he did the creating. John 1:1-4 tells us that Jesus was with God, and was God, all things were made by him and without him nothing was made. So this brings legitimacy to Jesus's claim that he existed before Abraham because he has always existed and created everything. If that wasn't convincing enough to show Jesus is God, look at his second statement about him being the I am. God called himself the I am in Exodus 3:13-15 when Moses expressed worry when the Hebrews would ask who sent him. So Jesus and God both described themselves as the I am, they both have always existed, and they both created everything. Jesus is the Christ, he is the Son of God, and he is God. The trinity is 3 branches of the same tree. If you don't know the Son, you don't know the Father. If you don't know Christ you will never know God. For Jesus Christ is God.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Time to abort abortion.

I would like to start this post by asking you a question. What events in history do you consider the most horrific? Most people I believe, would think of the holocaust, the purges by Stalin, or maybe even  racist lynchings in the 1800's and early 1900's. All of these events were terrible and caused many people to lose their lives, but I'm going to mention a procedure that has caused easily more deaths of innocent people then all of these events combined. This procedure has truly brought to light the evil within humanity. This procedure leaves no survivors, targets the weakest most innocent among us, and worst of all is justified as a "right". Welcome to a blog post on the raw truth of Abortion.

Let's start with some simple numbers. The holocaust murdered roughly 6 million Jews during the late 1930's to the mid 1940's. Modern day abortion has murdered 14 million Americans in the past decade alone. 40 million people were slaughtered under the rule of Stalin over 30 years. Abortion slaughters 50 million people ANNUALLY worldwide. Racist lynchings in America from 1864 to 1968 led to the brutal killing of 4,946 African Americans roughly 47 a year. Abortion from 1973 to 2013 brutally killed 18,778,000 that's an average of 450 thousand African Americans each year this is a ratio of 3,756 to 1 concerning abortions and lynchings. If we do some simple addition we find that the Holocaust, the Purges, and lynchings combine to a total of 46,004,946 innocent people. Abortion is attributed with 1,500,000,000 innocent people worldwide since World War Two. 1.5 billion is about 32 times as large as 46 million. So when I first asked you what events were most horrific in your mind, if you came up with the three examples I did, abortion is 32 times as horrific, as terrible, and as evil as all of those mentioned combined.

After exploring these FACTS let me show you how 2 of our elected leaders chose to address this issue. Let's start first with our current president. Barack Hussein Obama is known for not just being a fiscal liberal but also a social liberal. This is a quote from Mr. Obama addressing the issue of abortion "I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby". Our current president has voiced his support for abortion many times, but this quote I specifically chose to show how he views human life within the womb. Mr. Obama called this human life a punishment, and basically said that removing this child from his daughter's lives permanently would be the best solution so his daughter's aren't inconvenienced for a mistake they made. Folks, I am deeply saddened by this statement knowing that all human life in whatever form is precious and certainly not a punishment. I would like to ask the president if removing human life from inconveniencing us would be the right thing to do for our current illegal immigration problem? He would disagree I am sure, but this only brings to light his double standard when it comes to the value of human life. But now let's look toward another ideology concerning addressing abortion. Former president Ronald Wilson Reagan had a lot to say about this issue and could communicate it well. Mr. Reagan represents a leader who is the opposite of our current president for he is fiscally and socially very conservative. This is what our former president had to say "We cannot diminish the value of one category of human life-the unborn-without diminishing the value of all human life". I specifically chose this quote to show a much more mature, Biblical based view on human life. ALL HUMAN LIFE IS EQUALLY VALUABLE! The Bible teaches us that God fearfully and wonderfully made us in his image, knowing us before we were even in the womb! Mr. Obama and Mr. Reagan represent two different views on life. On the left we have the view of relative morality, a view that boils down to devaluing human life to fit our needs so that we can live comfortably. While on the right we have the view that all life is of equal value, no matter what gender, color, age, born, or yet to be born.

I hope this post helped open your eyes to the reality of what abortion really is. This is a matter of immense Biblical and political importance and Christians need to be leading the charge to uphold our Biblical and Constitutional right to life, and to be the voice for those who don't have one. This is the current civil rights movement.

P.S. All the links to my evidence and quotes are posted below.

Friday, January 17, 2014

"The Bible is outdated and doesn't apply to us today"

That is one of the main criticisms I hear many secularists make today. "The Bible was written thousands of years ago, I don't want an old book governing my life". I partially am glad when I hear an unbeliever say this because I know that anyone, including the most devout of Christians and the most battle hardened atheists, know that the Bible certainly does apply to us today. If someone does not see how the Bible applies to us modern day it has to be simply out of ignorance of what is in the Bible. This is a somewhat good sign because here is your opportunity to show them the relevance of the Bible and in turn point them to Christ!

To begin with, anyone who says the Bible doesn't apply to us today, simply doesn't make the connection between the majority of our laws and the Bible. Here are a few examples of modern day law that is a reflection of what the Bible teaches. Let's start with a few things that are deemed illegal under both the gov't law and Biblical law. Murder, stealing, rape, racial slavery, false representation, burglary, polygamy, incest, bestiality and so much more. Those are just a few examples of how Biblical law is applicable to modern day society. Furthermore, there are a few other society implemented morals that are derived specifically from the Bible such as: the golden rule (Mat 7:12), loving your enemies (Mat 5:44) not falsely judging (Mat 7:1-5), and helping the needy (Deuteronomy 15:11). I could give you so many other examples of the Bible influencing our society. In fact, most of these, atheist secularists would agree are good for society! So even the most ardent atheist knows that at least certain parts of the Bible have been used to greatly improve society. Not to mention that our natural rights endowed to us by our creator which is established in the declaration of independence and the constitution derive from God, and if we look at our founder's faith its a clear conclusion that it is the Biblical God.

So its crystal clear that the Bible does indeed still apply to society, unless someone really thinks murder should be legal or the golden rule is bad? Furthermore, use this as an opportunity to point to the Holy inspiration of Scripture that separates itself from all other religions. Most importantly though, use this to lead them to the Cross for a very real God whom influences our society even today, wants a relationship with that person.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Supposed contradiction in Genesis explained away using simple logic.

I recently came into contact with an atheist who was very excited to announce he found a Biblical contradiction! He was ready to finally justify his disbelief in the supposed infallible word of God. He came up to me and said that God was happy with his creation as stated in Genesis 1 where God calls his creation very good and blesses it. But he went on to say that God suddenly changed his mind in Genesis 6:6 which states "The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled". The atheist said that God can't be pleased about his creation and regret making it at the same time! After about 1 minute of further discussion the smile on his face was long gone, because yes it is a contradiction IF he didn't overlook one small event that took place between Genesis 1 and Genesis 6. Sin.

God had good reason to be disappointed in his most beloved creation. Humans chose to reject God through sinning. Whether it be eating forbidden fruit, fornicating, murdering, or even denying his very existence, humans turned completely away from God and his love in the process. God saw this and declared that this was not the same creation he had originally made in Genesis 1. Humans have effectively ruined everything by forcing the curse upon all the universe through the rejection of their creator. That is why God was pleased and then was displeased, just as a father is pleased with his son until that son disobeys the father.

The Bible has not, will not, and frankly can not contradict itself. The Truth is the truth for a reason, because it is reality. If anyone questions you on this supposed Genesis contradiction simply remember what you read here today.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Satisfaction is found only in God.

Sin is simply humans trying to find satisfaction outside of God. All of us no matter what race, gender, or culture seek satisfaction from this life. We look to find physical, emotional, and spiritual satisfaction. But can true satisfaction be attained by our own means? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

I maintain this conclusion with certainty based on the testimony of two people, myself and King Solomon. I, being 18 yrs old, have already tried to fill my needs with worldly things, whether it be lustful activities to satisfy the flesh, hanging out with the wrong crowd to satisfy the emotions, or seeking spiritual satisfaction through materialistic idols. But I can tell you that there was indeed temporary pleasure like a sugar high, but immediately followed by depression or an even stronger craving for satisfaction only to have the process repeat itself. Furthermore King Solomon experienced the same thing but he tested out everything, and I mean everything. In Ecclesiastes 1:1-2 Solomon (the author of this book) stated "Meaningless, meaningless, everything is utterly meaningless.". Let me remind you that King Solomon was offered everything he could possibly imagine from God as stated in First Kings 3. But Solomon turned down the riches of this world and asked for wisdom. Because of this, God granted him everything from riches and power, to land and victory in battle! In fact, God let Solomon build a magnificent temple in his honor to offer worship, something he did not let his father King David do. But Solomon, like most humans, eventually sought satisfaction in anything and everything other than God. Solomon had 2000 wives, all the money in the world, felt the joy of victory, and the power of expanding his borders, yet he stated that all of this is meaningless. He was never satisfied! 

You might be saying to yourself "my situation is different" or "In today's day and age this doesn't apply". Well let me respond by saying that humans have already tried every possible alternative to God when searching for satisfaction, but don't take my word for it, listen to the wisest man to ever live. In Ecclesiastes 1:9 Solomon said "What has been will be again, that which has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun". Listen closely to his words, whatever you are doing now to find that coveted satisfaction has already been done! People in the future will try it again and again to no avail. It is ludicrous to believe that doing the same thing over and over again will produce different results, but that is exactly what humans have been doing for centuries! But whats the point in identifying a problem if we don't also identify the solution. Want to find true eternal satisfaction? Here's how!

God. God created us, he made us, he knows us, and he wants a personal relationship with us! Human relationships have proven unreliable, material goods have an expiration date attached, but God is eternal and his love is reliable. That is why true satisfaction is only found in God! God will satisfy your physical needs Mathew 6:31-32. God satisfies our emotional needs through the fruits of the spirit Galatians 5:22-23. Finally God satisfies our spiritual needs by securing our eternal salvation in Christ Jesus John 3:16 and by promising to always be with us Joshua 1:9. So God promises in his word that all of our needs will be satisfied Philippians 4:19.

So I want to personally reach out to you and encourage you to stop wasting your life chasing vain worthless sin. Sin DOES NOT satisfy, Solomon knew this and I'm sure you do too since you are still searching for that satisfaction. God is the answer, you were created to be connected to him so don't waste another second! Acts 16:31 says that all who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ will be saved and therefore will be satisfied! 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

A Christian cannot stand if our foundation is lost.

Psalms 11:3 "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?". This verse is the key in describing the struggle between Christianity and the religion of Atheism. As Ken Ham of Answers In Genesis Ministries has said on multiple occasion, atheists are attacking the foundations of our faith and we fail to respond adequately. We are responding merely defensively or not attacking atheists in the right spot, their foundations. I cannot help but notice that we are losing the culture war. Prayer has been kicked out of schools, abortion has taken the lives of over 50 million human beings, and homosexuality is not just tolerated but encouraged as an alternative lifestyle. All three of these anti-God characteristics are merely a result of the rejection of the authority of the Word of God. But what has caused the Bible to lose its authority? Why would any Christian doubt what God has revealed to us? It's quite simple, Atheists have successfully damaged the foundations of our faith.

Up to this point, Satan has lost the battle when it comes to stopping the gospel from being spread to the ends of the earth. Martin Luther, Dwight Moody, Billy Sunday, and Billy Graham have made sure of that. But Satan has changed his strategy, instead of resisting the spread of the gospel he is now tainting the spread of the gospel with a poison known as doubt. This poison is conceived in the womb of astrological and biological evolution. Society, being of the world, has tried to convince the populace that evolution is a scientific fact. But let me tell you with up most certainty there is not a shred of observable science that proves evolution. All evolution is, is an atheists biased interpretation of fossils. I will address the debunking of evolution in a future article so be on the look out for that! Lets bring it back now though, why is evolution causing millions to reject the authority of the Bible? Its because we, as Christians, have not addressed the issue head on, we have not adjusted strategies like the enemy. While atheists are shouting that the Genesis account of creation is unscientific, we are responding by saying Jesus loves you, and you must believe in him. Although it is the truth, why would we expect a non Christian to believe that Jesus can save them when we don't address their concerns that Genesis is not true? In their minds, if Genesis is not accurate or literal how can any other part of the Bible be different? Its a legitimate concern and now lets address how we can successfully restore authority to the word of God.

We must take a lesson from the atheists, and use their own methods against them. Just as it is true with Christianity, it is also true with atheism. That if we can successfully destroy their foundation then what can the atheists do? So that's why we MUST focus and address those who attack Genesis. First, we must ask questions. When a non believer mocks you for believing in creationism, start asking questions about their belief forcing them to defend their faith. How do you know evolution is true? What evidence can we observe that supports that the universe is billions of years old? What if your wrong and we are right? How does any of what you believe disprove the existence of a god? Those are the killer questions I have field tested myself and have found great success in it. Trust, me even the most scholarly atheist cannot answer all of those questions without contradicting himself, or saying something unscientific. But before you head to the front lines converting hundreds, I must encourage you to visit the website of Answers In Genesis to fully equip yourself with the tools necessary to defend your faith and creationism in general.

So its time to win our culture back and rebuild our foundation. Once we successfully restore the legitimacy of Genesis as a literal historical account of creation, we will restore the legitimacy of the existence of God. Then we can say Acts 16:31 "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved" and now that we have rooted out the weed of doubt, they will believe.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Is Judas's death a contradiction?

One of the many supposed "contradictions" of the Bible championed by pride ridden atheists is the seemingly two radically different descriptions of Judas Iscariot's death. The verses we will be referring to today are Mathew 27:5 and Acts 1:18. Mathew 27:5 states "So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself." so clearly Mathew recorded Judas as committing suicide by hanging himself. But Acts 1:18 states "With the payment he received for his wickedness, Judas bought a field; there he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out." clear contradiction right? WRONG. Let's dive a bit under the surface of this story and we will find that this is not a matter of two different deaths but simply two different views of the same death.

Let's preface this explanation with a few occupational details. Mathew was a tax collector prior to following Christ while Luke (the author of Acts) was a doctor prior to following Christ. These occupations are of immense importance when trying to understand these two passages. Tax collectors back in Jesus's day often took larger quantities of money from individuals then what was mandated by the state so detail was of no matter. While being a doctor, same as modern day, required great importance being placed on every detail. After all, a procedure could mean life or death. So this explains why Mathew's description is rather general and right to the point, he simply wrote what he saw. Luke of the other hand immersed his passage in detail. For example Mathew said Judas threw his money into the temple, and Luke stated how that thrown money was used to purchase the field of Judas's death. Another more important example of Luke diving into detail is the medical implications of hanging  oneself. When Judas hung himself in this open field his body most likely hung there for hours on end, baking in the hot Jerusalem sun. Medically speaking, the body begins to decompose while hanging there and bacteria begins eating away at Judas's internal organs. A bi product of this bacterial decomposition is gas. This gas forced fluids out of the organs and cells in body cavities leading to a bloated corpse. The skin by now has been eaten away by the decomposition and is wearing thin thus leading to "his body bursting open and all his intestines spilling out".

Now that we have done a little extra research and studying, we find that a contradiction is a far cry from what these passages actually are. Two different people with radically different backgrounds explain the difference in describing the same death of one of the most infamous men in history.

(I attribute much of my knowledge of this issue to the ministry of Answers In Genesis, so please visit their website to learn more)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Christianity: the only logical religion.

I come across many people whom understand the fundamental truth that there is a creator to this vastly intricate universe. They understand that a god exists. But they are led astray by the question which god? I have Hindu friends, Muslim friends, Janist friends, and of course, Christian friends. Many might suggest that all religions lead to the same god, or the same spiritual truth. I vehemently disagree.

I disagree not only because of the numerous fundamental differences between each religion, but also because the Bible sets itself apart as the clear inspired word of God. To begin with Hindu's have over 250 million different gods, basically a god for anything and everything. Janist's, like Buddhists, conform to the belief that all forms of life contain spiritual significance. Muslims adhere to a monotheistic view in which Allah is their god. All of these religions have texts that were derived from one generational period or in some cases, just one person. Also, none of these religions existed at the beginning of time, Jainism is listed as one of the oldest, but not the oldest. Islam didn't begin until Mohammad walked the earth centuries after the death of Christ. Hinduism has been coined by some as the oldest religion but there is no evidence to support this besides tradition passed down through the generations. Another major point is that none of these religions give a detailed historical account of the beginning of time without borrowing views expressed in the Bible. These religions impact many spiritually, but there is no evidence to support their legitimacy or the fact they all claim to be the "right religion".

This is where Christianity stands alone. Christianity is easily the oldest religion as described in Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth". The God of the Bible has always existed and he revealed to us through his word how he made everything come to be. Later in Genesis we find that on the 6th day of creation God created man in his own image and later created a woman from the man. These first two people were named Adam and Eve, and they walked with God as recorded in Genesis. So the first human beings to walk the Earth had a clear intimate relationship with the God of the Bible. In addition, the universally accepted dating system of BC and AD refer to Christ and the number of years in relation to before or after Christ lived on this Earth, and just more evidence of the Biblical God being incorporated in our dating methods for both ancient and modern times. So one can easily conclude those who believe in the Biblical God adhere to the original God of the universe, the same God as Adam and Eve. Furthermore the Bible, unlike any other religion, has over 40 authors over a period of 2000 years. Its very easy to make up a religion or falsehood when one person is writing everything over one generation, but it is extremely difficult to maintain a good religion that is consistent with over 40 people adding to it over many generations with some authors not even knowing each other or living in completely different countries. This would be near impossible to do, unless it was truly inspired by God. The Bible has no contradictions, no falsehoods even with such diverse authorship. Anyone who has read the Bible can testify to the extreme detail about history and spiritual truths that it records, it should be easy to prove at least a few things false if the Bible was as outrageous as some claim. But with every cross reference, archaeological find, and secular historical account, the Bible comes out spotless.

So I contend that the Biblical God is the most logical religion based on the issues mentioned above. The fact that the Bible records creation and has stood the test of time, and the fact that the Bible contains more diverse authorship and a lengthier time span of revelations than any other contemporary religion. It is a grave mistake to not believe in God, and it is most logical to believe in the Biblical God.