Thursday, April 17, 2014

I have the anti-gay gene!

Yes, you heard me correctly. I just made the erroneous claim that I was born with a gene that causes me to speak out against the act of homosexuality. Your probably thinking that I am out of my mind and simply made up such a gene to justify my opposition to homosexuality. Well, your exactly right. There is as much evidence of an anti-gay gene as there is an actual gay gene. It is simply an idea conceived in the notion that if someone is born with something they cannot be condemned for doing it. Frankly they are right. Traits that someone is born with are natural and is not considered sin. Traits such as: skin color, gender, height etc. The left tries to group homosexuality into that group of inborn traits. If they are successful in doing so, there is no justification in condemning homosexual behavior because frankly it would be an inborn trait which cannot be considered sin since all sin is caused by a choice, a decision to rebel against the law of God. But in reality, there is no such evidence supporting that homosexuality is an inborn trait.

 Genes are what make up  our inborn traits. Experts can easily point out the genes that cause our skin color, gender, and height. But for some reason they just can't find a gene that makes someone a homosexual. This here is a problem for the left, the one shred of evidence they needed to confirm their claims simply doesn't exist.

Surprise, the Bible is proven correct again. Nowhere in the Bible is it a sin to be a certain skin color, height, or gender. But it is a sin to commit acts of homosexuality see verses such as 1st Corinthians 6:9 and Romans 1:26-28.. This shows that the Bible already told us there is no gay gene, the Bible also tells us there is no anti-gay gene, and science confirms both of these Biblical claims! The fact of the matter is that Homosexuality is a lifestyle someone chooses to commit themselves to. Just as we all choose a lifestyle of sin before we have been reborn in Christ, the homosexual is no different. But sadly, society nowadays is not just tolerating this sinful lifestyle in the bedrooms of an individual's home, society is now promoting and encouraging it in the military, schools, and movies! This is the first time in my lifetime that my country has actively tried to convince it's citizens to embrace sin not because we want to, but because we are born to commit this sinful act. That is why it is that much more important to speak out against this perverted act because those struggling with this sin are hearing society's version of homosexuality a lot more than the reality of homosexuality which is God's version! In fact, the more people begin to accept this lifestyle as normal, the less people will receive the salvation power of Jesus Christ. For how can someone be saved if they do not understand they are sinners and turn from that sin?

So let us all speak out with one strong clear unified voice speaking the truth in love! Homosexuals are no different than us, for we all are sinners! Let us stand strong in the faith, defending ourselves against political correctness and Satan himself! The homosexual community needs Christ as much as any lost sinner in this world. God loves them with an abundant love and it is our job as the church to guide them to that moment when they will have the opportunity to embrace their savior and free themselves from society's lies and the shackles of sin.


  1. It's a ridiculous oversimplification to claim that there's a single gay gene, but then your argument wouldn't exist if you understood either science or nuance, would it?

    Here, for your perusal, is a non technical article on the genetic basis of homosexuality. Not that it will mean much to a bigot.

    1. Hello Bill, creative name you got there. Are you an actual butcher of like meat? Or do you just enjoy priding yourself in vague attempts to make yourself sound "cool"? Anyway I looked over your article and that's swell and all but it did not compare the 400 gay men's genetic make up to that of a straight man. Do you know what they would find? The same genes. Sure there are variations but as the article said they could not pin point what caused homosexuality they just saw some variations that they thought could be an explanation. No evidence just simple speculation by observers who are trying to make a gay genetic explanation appear when there simply isnt one. Thanks for the comment!

  2. He has to simplify it, because he's simple.

    1. The truth may not be easy to swallow but it is simple to explain. You folks are over complicating issues to muddy them up so that people get confused. Thanks for the comment my friend

  3. The issue with homosexuality vs other sins is very simple to understands. Once homosexuality is declared equal with marriage, the culture and society crumbles. This is why God strongly condemns it. Case in point: Europe. Homosexuality is a LIFE STYLE, it is out right rebellion in Gods eyes. Yes, sin is sin, however, some sins are more devastating that others. This is one of them and the other is abortion. As in 1 Corinthians 6:9 all of this sins are life style choices and out right rebellion with God. If you practice on of these sins, you can not seriously believe one has a strong relationship with God.

    1. Dear brother in Christ, you are mostly right! I would add though that God makes no one gay and no one is born gay. God may make one not have a normal or high internal drive for marriage, sex, and children so he may make one to be more in a neutral state so to speak. He has other plans for that person to do in life. Homosexual Sex acts is what is a sin, not being GAY. Being gay is a man made classification. Society makes people think they are gay because we our pressured into having to be one way or the other. So if God doesn't give you a strong internal mission for marriage he wants you to be free to do other missions like nuns, priests, monks, peace workers, disciples, etc.. Because of society, one that is given this gift can be lured by the devil to think they are gay since they aren't has interested in the opposite sex, and family as others may be so the conclusion is ..I must be Gay. These individuals must be introduced to the Gospels before they come to this belief. However it is equally important to remember that gay or straight we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and we love the person but hate the sin. We may not agree with a persons decision to think they are gay but we do not treat them with any less dignity or respect than anyone else. But the truth must be told to them for it is also a sin to not teach the ignorant. Because tolerance of anything is cruelty not mercy.
