Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Supposed contradiction in Genesis explained away using simple logic.

I recently came into contact with an atheist who was very excited to announce he found a Biblical contradiction! He was ready to finally justify his disbelief in the supposed infallible word of God. He came up to me and said that God was happy with his creation as stated in Genesis 1 where God calls his creation very good and blesses it. But he went on to say that God suddenly changed his mind in Genesis 6:6 which states "The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled". The atheist said that God can't be pleased about his creation and regret making it at the same time! After about 1 minute of further discussion the smile on his face was long gone, because yes it is a contradiction IF he didn't overlook one small event that took place between Genesis 1 and Genesis 6. Sin.

God had good reason to be disappointed in his most beloved creation. Humans chose to reject God through sinning. Whether it be eating forbidden fruit, fornicating, murdering, or even denying his very existence, humans turned completely away from God and his love in the process. God saw this and declared that this was not the same creation he had originally made in Genesis 1. Humans have effectively ruined everything by forcing the curse upon all the universe through the rejection of their creator. That is why God was pleased and then was displeased, just as a father is pleased with his son until that son disobeys the father.

The Bible has not, will not, and frankly can not contradict itself. The Truth is the truth for a reason, because it is reality. If anyone questions you on this supposed Genesis contradiction simply remember what you read here today.


  1. I am profoundly amazed by the overly simplicity you have put into thinking. I guess you feel that you have answered it, but actually through logic, this is totally wrong (IMHO):
    1. Your religion is based on the firm believe that your god is almighty, omnipotent (all enabled), omnipresent (everywhere). Your religion is based on the firm believe the book is either written by people who 'witnessed' events or was passed down from that god (Genesis).
    2. If he is above us, we can not even pretend to understand his/her motives or emotions (an emotion is a coping mechanism with changes in environment, why would a deity have this? Lets imagine he did and still was 'perfect').
    3. Above, the text claims: his heart was deeply troubled' A human has a heart, most animals have hearts, a deity does not have a heart, or it would be part of decay.
    4. The contradiction in Genesis is already earlier, let me copy a part I have put in Biblical Creationist Appologetic group:
    I will start with a simple point:
    Genesis 3
    9 But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
    What omnipresence and omnipotent being would need to ask for a minion to present itself, as he does not know where it is?

    Secondly to make sure you can actually 'argument' my claim that the scriptures are mere transcripts and teaching of how a community, society, culture about 2000 years ago saw the world and answered most things it did not understand with 'there must be something/someone causing this':

    Genesis 3:
    11. And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”

    Didn't he know that? There was no sin in Eden, so how come the minion was already sinning, as they stood up against their 'parent' (which is actually the combined explanation at the end of Genesis 2, proofing the text is NOT meant to bestow a supernatural being on you, but explaining how society worked in that day and age and they didn't understand all yet):
    24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

    25 Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.

    - No, there is no 'original sin', there is the 'sin' commited in the eyes of the parent, when chidren leave home and venture into the world, making their mistakes, yet being loved by their parents. Yes, even then 2000 or 2500 years ago, that society constellation was there already. This is the simple truth that is shown under any belief, religion or culture to be the same.

    But of course you can still believe in fairytales and destroy the lives of your children.

    Do I see it wrong? Please give some solid argument that actually undermines my claim irrefutable.

    Basically the above is the first of many contradictions, as long as you take the text as base for Religion and not as a very very old handbook that depicts how certain societies and cultures roamed the earth between 3000 to 2000 years ago.

  2. To Mr. Mark De Haan,

    God does make these for His Creation, basic and logical in the same sense.
    1. True, are you willing to study the Dispensations of God, and the Eight Covenants on how God manages mankind through the past, present, and the future?

    2. How come He (God) is not allowed to how emotions? Are we (humans) created in His image?

    3. Theirs a difference between a person inward being, also known as their spirit. Take the Genesis account, when God breathed into Adam's nostril's, he (Adam) became a living soul. The soul is a spiritual aspects of a person, it is the mind, will, and emotions, they are merely physical.

    (a) Genesis 3:9
    "Where are you?" He (God) knew where they were, and He knew what they did. Like a dad or grandpa to a child, have you never asked "Where are you?" when you knew where they were? It's the same principle, God is speaking their language, coming down to their level.

    (b) Genesis 3:11
    Yes, He did know that, He is using one or both: hyperbole and/or rhetorical question.
    When Adam sinned and Original Sin came into affect when the Edenic Covenant was broken, and Adam and Eve had to be removed from the Garden of Eden.
    As for the serpent who is possessed by Satan, sinned sometime between 3rd to 5th Day of Creation. Satanology and Demonology cover this topic.
    (c) Genesis 3:24-25
    Yes, this is God sanctioned the marriage for mankind - one man and one woman. The second verse is reference to procreation (sex for having children). This is part of the Adamic Covenant, which is still in effect today.
    You misunderstand the Text, it is a command by God. Adam broke the Edenic Covenant with God and this caused Original Sin nature throughout mankind.

    No.. any belief, any religion, and any culture are not one and the same. You can read the book of Acts for one example, which deals with secular humanists, cultists, and paganists. The Epistles, Letters written during the timeframe of Messianic Congregations and Christian Churches are to correct errors of these type of teachings and to reject them.

    As for fairytales, I actually take the Bible as History, for the Present day, and Prophecy. It's not a fairy tale at all, and as for destroy the lives of children. Well.. I strongly disagree with that statement and it's completely false. For one the secular humanists, paganists, and cultists got a hold of the American Education System in the 1920s-1930s and changed it to secular, pagan, and cult schooling (it's no longer education) and destroying people's lives. The secularists, paganists, and cultists are the one's the destroying the worlds economics and political spectrums as well, not the Biblical Christianity.

    As for the earth, it's about 6000 to 8000 years old. It's not a contradiction at all, you need to take the Bible literally in it's first context, unless the context says otherwise.

  3. Unfortunately, your claims haven't used solid arguments, yet you ask for an irrefutable, solid argument from a creationists viewpoint.

    For instance, you pulled a "bait and switch" under point 3. "Heart" has many meanings, not just physical -

  4. Mr Dehaan, God knew the answers to the questions He asked Adam. He was giving Adam the opportunity to step forward and admit what he had done and repent of the misdeed. You see, God placed the stars on the 4th day of creation as 1st signs. These signs are a language also for a witness to His creation and redemption. I'll give one example, The Big dipper is symbolic of God. The Little Dipper is symbolic of man made in Gods image. Draco the dragon constellation,symbolicof satan seperates the Dippers as satan separated man from God. Polaris,the unmoving guiding light or North Star is symbolic of Jesus. Every constellation revolves around the pole star Polaris as we build our lives and revolve around Jesus. Polaris was placed on the Little Dipper as it takes Jesus to com and to glorify Himplete man. Polaris connects the Little Dipper back to the Big Dipper with the invisible Line , symbolic of the Holy Spirit and thus the Dippers pour into each other the Life Giving Holy Spirit.God created and placed all thestars before He created man as a witness. So here we have the Gospel in the stars in these 3 constellations alone. Every constellation tells a truthful story of what was,what is and what is coming.Men started worshipping the constellations as gods and perverted Gods Word written with the stars. Look up at the sky. Listen to theseDarwins andSteven Hawkinses and they tell all they know is theory. They THINK there was a big bang cause they refuse to except God as creator. A man with the knowledge of Hawkings spent his whole life wondering where he came from and it was staring him in the face. With that kind of knowledge,why didn't he try to invent a cure?He wanted to be remembered as a man who was about to disprove his creator. An impossible feat. Everything proclaims God.God just wanted the same thing from Adam as He wants from all of us. To admit we are sinners and need His mercy and love who is Jesus.JUst look at how He proclaimed He was going to personally create another Son in Jesus. Always the firstborn sinned and the second son was chosen for his righteousness. Cain sinned,Able was righteous,Ishmael sinned,Isaac was righteous.Esau sinned,Jacob was righteous. Adam sinned,Jesus was righteous. God personally and divinely created Adam and Jesus and Jesus was the Chosen as were all the other second born sons.I cannot make you believe. You have to choose to. I pray you will one day hear and see the Gospel. Blessings
