Sunday, January 19, 2014

Time to abort abortion.

I would like to start this post by asking you a question. What events in history do you consider the most horrific? Most people I believe, would think of the holocaust, the purges by Stalin, or maybe even  racist lynchings in the 1800's and early 1900's. All of these events were terrible and caused many people to lose their lives, but I'm going to mention a procedure that has caused easily more deaths of innocent people then all of these events combined. This procedure has truly brought to light the evil within humanity. This procedure leaves no survivors, targets the weakest most innocent among us, and worst of all is justified as a "right". Welcome to a blog post on the raw truth of Abortion.

Let's start with some simple numbers. The holocaust murdered roughly 6 million Jews during the late 1930's to the mid 1940's. Modern day abortion has murdered 14 million Americans in the past decade alone. 40 million people were slaughtered under the rule of Stalin over 30 years. Abortion slaughters 50 million people ANNUALLY worldwide. Racist lynchings in America from 1864 to 1968 led to the brutal killing of 4,946 African Americans roughly 47 a year. Abortion from 1973 to 2013 brutally killed 18,778,000 that's an average of 450 thousand African Americans each year this is a ratio of 3,756 to 1 concerning abortions and lynchings. If we do some simple addition we find that the Holocaust, the Purges, and lynchings combine to a total of 46,004,946 innocent people. Abortion is attributed with 1,500,000,000 innocent people worldwide since World War Two. 1.5 billion is about 32 times as large as 46 million. So when I first asked you what events were most horrific in your mind, if you came up with the three examples I did, abortion is 32 times as horrific, as terrible, and as evil as all of those mentioned combined.

After exploring these FACTS let me show you how 2 of our elected leaders chose to address this issue. Let's start first with our current president. Barack Hussein Obama is known for not just being a fiscal liberal but also a social liberal. This is a quote from Mr. Obama addressing the issue of abortion "I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby". Our current president has voiced his support for abortion many times, but this quote I specifically chose to show how he views human life within the womb. Mr. Obama called this human life a punishment, and basically said that removing this child from his daughter's lives permanently would be the best solution so his daughter's aren't inconvenienced for a mistake they made. Folks, I am deeply saddened by this statement knowing that all human life in whatever form is precious and certainly not a punishment. I would like to ask the president if removing human life from inconveniencing us would be the right thing to do for our current illegal immigration problem? He would disagree I am sure, but this only brings to light his double standard when it comes to the value of human life. But now let's look toward another ideology concerning addressing abortion. Former president Ronald Wilson Reagan had a lot to say about this issue and could communicate it well. Mr. Reagan represents a leader who is the opposite of our current president for he is fiscally and socially very conservative. This is what our former president had to say "We cannot diminish the value of one category of human life-the unborn-without diminishing the value of all human life". I specifically chose this quote to show a much more mature, Biblical based view on human life. ALL HUMAN LIFE IS EQUALLY VALUABLE! The Bible teaches us that God fearfully and wonderfully made us in his image, knowing us before we were even in the womb! Mr. Obama and Mr. Reagan represent two different views on life. On the left we have the view of relative morality, a view that boils down to devaluing human life to fit our needs so that we can live comfortably. While on the right we have the view that all life is of equal value, no matter what gender, color, age, born, or yet to be born.

I hope this post helped open your eyes to the reality of what abortion really is. This is a matter of immense Biblical and political importance and Christians need to be leading the charge to uphold our Biblical and Constitutional right to life, and to be the voice for those who don't have one. This is the current civil rights movement.

P.S. All the links to my evidence and quotes are posted below.


  1. Abortion will end on American soil. Thanks for standing for truth.

    1. Absolutely Laura! Together we will ensure life is protected and morality restored! God bless you my friend
